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黃正彥 - 客途秋恨
Wong Ching-yin Justin - Song of the Exile
Huqin family’s performance techniques allows easy imitation of human voice.
This rearranged work used the Yuen Siu-fai version of Song of the Exile as a
blueprint to develop harmony and counterpoint and extended an introduction.
I hope the music can reflect the mood of the text and compensate for the lack
of sung text.
黃智輝 - 乍暖還寒
Wong Chi-fai Walter - Tinge of Chill
黃學揚 - 新野蜂飛舞
Wong Hok-yeung Alfred - New Flight of the Bumblebee
The Flight of the Bumblebee is an orchestral interlude from the opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, by Nickolai Rimsky-Korsakov. It appears in Act III, Tableau 1, and according to the description on the original score, the scene is like this: “A bee appears on the sea far off, then flies to the Swan-Bird and dances round it.” The idea of New Flight of the Bumblebee came from the erhu virtuoso Zhang Chongxue, who suggested that I should combine passages from Horse Race - New Version by Chen Yaoxing and Chen Jun with Rimsky-Korsakov‟s Bumblebee to pack more action to the scene. With the extremely fast semi quavers and the bravura chromatic techniques, the huqin ensemble would really dazzle the audience in the performance.
張瑟涵 - 嫣紅
Chang Se-han - Csárdás
何俊東 - 二泉映月
《二泉映月》是傑出民間音樂家華彥鈞(阿炳)的代表作。阿炳 35 歲時(1928年)雙目失明, 淪落為街頭賣藝為生的民間藝人,受盡欺凌,飽嚐苦難社會的艱辛。《二泉映月》是阿炳心 靈的寫照,阿炳稱它為《依心曲》。1950年夏天,著名音樂理論家楊蔭瀏、曹安和為阿炳演 奏錄音之後,楊提議以無錫惠泉山腳下的名勝古蹟「二泉」為曲名,經磋商並徵得阿炳同意 定名為《二泉映月》。
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Reflection of the Moon on the Water
The original piece is the most representative work of Hua Yanjun, also known as ‘A Bing’. He lost his eyesight when he was thirty-five (in 1928) and was eventually reduced to becoming a street musician. He experienced great injustice and all the hardship in low life and was much bullied. Reflection of the Moon on the Water is a picture of Hua’s mind, and the composer calls it The Tune of the Heart. In the summer of 1950, Yang Yinliu and Cao Anhe, two famous musicologists, recorded Hua’s performance of the work. They suggested that the piece be named after the ancient springs at the bottom of Huiquan Mountain in Wuxi. Hua agreed and the work has since been known as Reflection of the Moon on the Water.
何俊東 - 賽馬
此曲是 1964年第四屆「上海之春」二胡比賽中的新作品。樂曲描寫蒙古族人在節日賽馬的熱烈景象,原曲是常見的再現三段體。第一段音樂性格熱烈奔放,以模仿馬蹄節奏的急促音型,迸發著激烈的情緒,刻畫出馬場之上群馬競逐,吶喊嘶鳴的場景;第二段原是蒙古的舞曲旋律,後經作曲家沈利群改編,擴展了音域,將旋律的幅度拉寬,而更為爽朗明快,充分顯示了小調式抒情特質。原曲的第三段是第一主題的再現,最後,胡琴猶似模仿出群馬嘶鳴的聲浪,使情緒更加激奮。
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Horse Race
This piece was first performed at the 4th Spring of Shanghai Erhu Contest held in 1964. The music portrays the bustling scene of a Mongolian horse race held for the festivities. The original piece is in ternary form. Through the musical figure in hurried tempo, imitating the galloping rhythm, the ebullient music in Section One unleashes the exciting sentiment in the portrayal of the yelling and the neighing scene at the horse race. Section Two was originally a Mongolian dance melody. After adaptation by composer Shen Liqun its range expanded, rendering the melody more sprightly in full manifestation of the lyrical quality of a ditty. Section Three of the original work is a recapitulation of the first subject. At the end huqin imitate the neighing sound of the horses, making the sentiment even more exciting.
何俊東 - 查爾達斯
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Csárdás
Csárdás, composed by Italian composer Vittorio Monti, is a celebrated violin masterpiece inspired by the Hungarian folk dance of the same name. The piece features two distinct sections: the slow and melancholic "Lassú" introduction, transitioning into the lively and exuberant "Friss" finale. Renowned for its expressive melodies and dynamic rhythms, it showcases the rich influences of Hungarian and Gypsy musical traditions.
黃學揚 - 餓馬搖鈴
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Horse Racing