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黃正彥 - 牡丹亭‧遊園
Wong Ching-yin Justin - Peony Pavilion
Pipa is a major instrument in kunqu music. This rearranged work stems from the classic kunqu opera Peony Pavilion. The work takes the representative section: Stroll in the Garden as source of melody and develops a richer harmony and counterpoint utilizing the pipa consort. I hope to explore the pipa’s representation of the vocal style of kunqu in addition to its original idiom of the instrumental role in the kunqu style, gluing both lines in homogeneity.
黃學揚 - 琵琶行
Wong Hok-yeung Alfred - Travel with Pipa
何俊東 - 彩雲追月
創作於 1935 年,是任光與聶耳為上海百代唱片公司灌製唱片時,寫給百代樂隊的一首民族管弦樂曲。此版本巧妙融入德布西的《月光》作為引子,隨後過渡至《彩雲追月》的主旋律。結尾將流行歌曲《但願人長久》與主題結合,增添情感層次與時代共鳴。此編曲保留五聲音階的民族特色,並以流暢的音樂語言描繪出夜空的迷人意境,既傳統又現代,韻味深厚。
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Beautiful Clouds Chasing the Moon
This is an instrumental piece composed in 1935 by Ren Guang and Nie Er for the EMI Chinese Music Ensemble when the two were making recordings under the EMI label in Shanghai. This arrangement creatively incorporates elements of Debussy's Clair de Lune as an opening, seamlessly transitioning into the iconic melody of "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon." The piece concludes with a blend of the main theme and the popular song "May We Last Forever," adding emotional depth and contemporary resonance. The use of the pentatonic scale retains the music's rich Chinese flavor while evoking a captivating image of the vast night sky.
何俊東 - 陽春白雪
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Snow on a Sunny Spring Day
This is an ancient pipa piece that has enjoyed widespread popularity over time. The refreshing, lilting melody, coupled with the lively tempo, conjures up a thriving spring scene when the world wakes up from the cold winter and welcomes the sunny spring days.
何俊東 - 春江花月夜
原名《夕陽簫鼓》、《潯陽曲》等,1925 年上海大同樂會的柳堯章、鄭覲文首次將此琵琶曲改編成民族管弦樂曲。猶如一幅水墨淋漓、神采飄逸的山水長卷,樂曲繪聲繪影地描畫月夜春江的迷人景色。
Ho Chun-tung Tony - Moonlight on the Spring River
This was originally an ancient pipa piece called The Xiao and Drum at Sunset or Melody of Xunyang. In 1925, Liu Yaozhang and Zheng Jinwen of The Da Tong Music Society of Shanghai rearranged it for Chinese orchestra. The music can be likened to a long scroll of Chinese ink-wash landscape painting, which freely and expressively captures the enchanting scene of the Spring River on a moonlit night.
張瑩 - 琵琶逍遙遊
Zhang Ying -
張瑩 - 撥弦波爾多卡
Zhang Ying - Pizzicato Polka, Op. 234
約翰‧施特勞斯 - 咖啡廳組曲
Mark Houghton - Cafe Suite
譚逸昇 - 飛流直下
Tam Yat-sing -